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    Dirt 2

    Deckard qc
    Deckard qc

    Nombre de messages : 1287
    Localisation : Lachine
    Date d'inscription : 07/09/2005

    Dirt 2 Empty Dirt 2

    Message par Deckard qc Jeu 10 Sep - 8:53

    Voici la note et la critique d' IGN: 8.4

    9.0 Presentation
    The interface is hot and nearly as impressive as the original Dirt.

    9.0 Graphics
    Beautiful scenery, some good-looking cars and full damage modeling. The framerate is almost always perfect.

    7.5 Sound
    The cars sound just fine, but the music is average and the other drivers offer repetitive and boring quips during races.

    8.5 Gameplay
    A solid racing game, but the trucks and buggy racing get a bit too much attention.

    8.0 Lasting Appeal
    The career mode is pretty short and can be beaten within 10 hours, though it will take longer to place first in all 100 events. Multiplayer is good fun.

    Et la critique vidéo:

    Source: IGN

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