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    Nascar 09

    Deckard qc
    Deckard qc

    Nombre de messages : 1287
    Localisation : Lachine
    Date d'inscription : 07/09/2005

    Nascar 09 Empty Nascar 09

    Message par Deckard qc Jeu 31 Juil - 23:58

    Voici la critique de Nascar 09: 8.4


    Gameplay: 8,4
    Much improved racing made for both NASCAR nuts and the everyman.

    Graphics: 8,2
    Slightly “slimy”-looking cars, but a commendable production when things are in motion.

    Audio: 8,7
    New and improved sound…now with more throat!

    Longevity: 8,6

    Career modes, seasons and Xbox Live play keep things fresh.

    Innovation: 8,0
    Plugging away…

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      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 27 Nov - 4:44