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    Mad Catz Rock Band Portabler Drum Kit

    Deckard qc
    Deckard qc

    Nombre de messages : 1287
    Localisation : Lachine
    Date d'inscription : 07/09/2005

    Mad Catz Rock Band Portabler Drum Kit Empty Mad Catz Rock Band Portabler Drum Kit

    Message par Deckard qc Ven 26 Sep - 8:36

    Pour ceux qui manquent de place...

    Note: 8.2

    Prix: 59$ US

    9.0 Performance
    As responsive, if not more so, than the official drum kit.

    8.7 Build Quality
    Surprisingly well constructed given its compact nature.

    8.5 Features
    Everything you get in the official kit.

    7.4 Ease of Use
    Setting up is pretty simple, but angling and adjusting can be a pain.

    7.2 Value
    An extra $10 for portability is a bit of a hard sell.

    7.0 Comfort
    A bit jarring at first, but ultimately alleviated by time and tweaking.

    8.8 Longevity
    Strong enough to take regular abuse, and keep on rolling.

    Source: IGN

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 23 Nov - 12:47