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2 participants

    The Godfather

    Deckard qc
    Deckard qc

    Nombre de messages : 1287
    Localisation : Lachine
    Date d'inscription : 07/09/2005

    The Godfather Empty The Godfather

    Message par Deckard qc Lun 18 Sep - 2:04

    Je sais que Dan a adoré ce jeu sur Xbox, il est maintenant sur 360.
    IGN donne un 7.9/10

    Voici la critique:

    et le petit résumé:

    8.0 Presentation
    The opening scenes are some of the game's best, but it careens downhill from there.The 360 version explains the game's systems better than before.

    6.5 Graphics
    Like the Bond games, EA's artists did an excellent job on a few of the key actors' faces. Explosions and fire are exceptionally well done in this version, but it still looks like a current-gen upgrade

    7.0 Sound
    The Godfather theme song works beautifully. It's just good. The added music is very canned and sounds a little like Bond music. The major stars' voice-acting is top-notch, from Brando on down.

    8.0 Gameplay
    The engaging "Respect" system and RPG-light elements work right. The working mechanics have trouble spots and the take-over business is addicting as hell. The newly added Crew element is a big help.

    9.0 Lasting Appeal
    This offline, single-player game took me 30 hours to beat, and I hadn't taken over the whole city. With the newly added missions it's still a 40-50 hour game.

    Good OVERALL
    (out of 10 / not an average)
    Deckard qc
    Deckard qc

    Nombre de messages : 1287
    Localisation : Lachine
    Date d'inscription : 07/09/2005

    The Godfather Empty Re: The Godfather

    Message par Deckard qc Jeu 21 Sep - 9:28

    Et celle de Teamxbox: 7,5/10

    Gameplay: 8,6/10
    Nothing that we haven’t seen before from other games, or the Xbox version. Thankfully that doesn’t make it any less fun to be a part of The Godfather experience.

    Graphics: 6,0/10
    Impressive fire and explosion effects are the only highlight of the show. Sadly there are tons of repetitive textures and player models, and the environment doesn’t have as much personality as it could have.

    Audio: 9,0/10
    The wonderfully pleasing Godfather theme resonates through the entire experience, and the voice acting from the principle actors is spot-on. The only failure happens to be the original music.

    Longevity: 9,0/10
    A massive amount of gameplay that will keep the real completists busy for up to 50 hours with ease. Good luck getting the full 1000 achievement points for this one.

    Innovation: 5,5/10
    There isn’t much in The Godfather that either Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row hasn’t done before, but it does craft an elegant story around one of the greatest tales in American cinema.

    Overall: 7,5/10

    Nombre de messages : 2007
    Age : 64
    Localisation : Deux-Montagnes
    Date d'inscription : 08/09/2005

    The Godfather Empty Re: The Godfather

    Message par Stygian60 Mar 17 Oct - 9:26

    Un peu sévère pour les graphismes, même si c'est vrai que la différence avecla version xbox n'est pas énorme...

    Très addictive, surtout que plus on avance plus c'est difficile. Les business et rackets takeover deviennent plus faciles, dépendant du grade qu'on a (je suis capo, juste avant underboss et parrain), mais les missions secondaires et principales sont plus difficiles, sans oublier les forteresses des autres familles qui sont TRÈS difficiles à prendre...

    J'aurais aimé qu'on puisse engager 2 fiers à bras pour nous aider plutôt que seulement un.


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